Michael Self, Sr.
Accreditation and Compliance
Authored a narrative related to institutional effectiveness, resulting in no findings and reaffirmation of accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Facilitated the development of an enrollment management plan and delivered staff training on Banner processes, two key outcomes that led the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to remove the institutional sanction of probation and restore good standing.
Facilitated the submission of a monitoring report, and coordinated a site visit, which resulted in the Middle States Commission on Higher Education removing the sanction of warning and restored good standing.
Facilitated a successful multi–location site visit and authored an assurance argument that resulted in continued good standing with the Higher Learning Commission, and no findings or monitoring for the first time in the history of the institution.
Facilitated the development of an institutional response that resulted in the Higher Learning
Commission reversing their original decision to withdraw institutional accreditation and instead placing the university on notice; ultimately, facilitated the development of a comprehensive monitoring report, and coordinated a site visit, that resulted in the Higher
Learning Commission fully restoring institutional accreditation without sanctions.
Assessment and Planning
Developed inaugural institutional learning outcomes and assessment mechanisms.
Developed a process which utilized academic program review outcomes to effectively allocate Carl Perkins Grant funds to support programmatic improvements.
Facilitated the development and implementation of an annual academic plan, connected assessment activities and outcomes directly to budgetary decisions.
Facilitated the revision of program learning outcomes and the development of curriculum maps.
Facilitated the creation of an integrated, online accountability system that seamlessly connected budgeting, unit planning, strategic planning, and accreditation monitoring.
Data Governance and Digital Infrastructure
Collaborated with financial aid staff to develop an operational manual that resolved data integrity concerns identified in a recent financial audit.
Conducted statistical analyses to develop an enrollment management plan that yielded a 27% increase in student enrollment.
Conducted statistical analyses and revised the college’s mathematics placement policy, resulting in a 25% increase in student success rates in mathematics courses.
Conducted statistical analyses to revise institutional placement policies for English, mathematics, and reading courses.
Upgraded student information and learning management systems, expanded wireless internet access campus–wide, and updated computer labs.
Utilized external market share data, workforce outlook data, and internal retention and persistence data to create an enrollment management plan that had an error rate of less than
0.5% and enabled the development of a balanced budget for a three–year period.